FX Markets Europe is back

in-person for 2022!

FX Markets Europe helps you to learn from thought-leaders about the latest innovations in technology, where the FX markets are, and most importantly where they are heading.

With an agenda steered by the FX Markets editorial team and our advisory board, senior FX traders from asset management firms, investment banks, corporates, exchanges, hedge funds, insurance firms, pension funds and prime brokers attend to gain comprehensive, objective, and insightful critical analysis on the latest developments and issues shaping the future of the FX market


Key themes for the 2022 discussion:

•FX Global Code

•Technology change: innovation, automation and efficiency for pricing and trading, algos, crypto/ digital currencies/ stable-coin

•The future trends in FX clearing

•Emerging market currencies

•Settlement risk update

•The future of FX Markets: Heads of FX predictions